
Hogskin Holidays

Hogskin Holidays is back in swing after the covid vacation. Many folks around the county put a lot of time and effort into pulling of this festival for the county of Calhoun. The CalCo Rodeo is always a highlight, but the Bar-B-Que and fairground activity is my favorite.

Moments in time

Moments in time

* On April 6, 1776, the Continental Congress takes the first step toward American independence by announcing its decision to open all American ports to international trade with any part of the world that is not under British rule. It was the first act of independence by the Continental Congress.


“The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty,” wrote James Madison, the nation’s fourth president and Father of the Constitution, two centuries ago. The scientific, economic, and social advances of any nation in history are always connected to how its people are to be educated. In Arkansas, progress in education has often been slow, but several important leaders have stepped forward to advance the cause of knowledge and education. Among those transformative leaders was State Sen. Clarence Bell.

Words... Matter

They can be misunderstood, words. They can be misinterpreted, words. They can hurt, words. They can heal, words. They can start wars, words. They can end wars, words. The can reveal secrets, words. They can't be retracted, words. This week has seen some real gafts with words. Words matter.


The South Arkansas Sun

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